Early voting in Tennessee is officially underway, offering registered voters a convenient opportunity to cast their ballots. From now through Nov. 5, Tennesseans can shape the future by showing up to the polls.
With rising drug prices and ongoing government overreach, voting has never been more crucial. Just this past weekend, local small business owner Nina Matthews highlighted some of the struggles of operating in Tennessee due to burdensome red tape and regulations imposed by the government.
This issue goes beyond Tennessee’s pro-Big Pharma legislature -- it shows that rising healthcare costs are top of mind for Tennesseans. If they’re top of mind for Tennesseans, it should be for legislators too. TEBA remains a strong advocate for lower, fairer drug prices, less regulations on businesses benefit plans and continued ERISA protections.
TEBA is committed to keeping you informed on healthcare legislation, through newsletters, blog posts, or social media updates. We provide you with transparency legislators aren’t.
Stay informed and make your voice count by voting.
Some other important dates to note:
Early voting ends on Oct. 31.
The last day to submit a request for an absentee ballot is Oct. 29.
Absentee ballots must be received by your county election commission by the close of polls on Nov. 5.